our favourite places

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Fröskog
View from the top of the hill behind the B&B

We havent' established the Nordic Refuge in Dalsland by chance. We enjoy it. We like to walk around, swim and paddle in the lakes and  have fikka in the cafés.

Here are some of our favourite places. We will be really happy to show you around :-)

Food is great in Dalsland

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Brukets Godaste, Bakery

Brukets Godaste

Let's be honest, it's probably the best bakery in the World where our daily organic bread is sourced. You won't come out of their kannelbullar unscathed! (2Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Not Quite café

Not Quite café

A hype café in the middle of Dalsland. Great food, nice atmosphere, good cakes in the arty old factory of Fengersfors.

What else, really? (2Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Waffels, Tollebolskvarn

Tollebols Kvarn

The mill of Tollebol is well preserved and has a wonderful location. The premisses are an eco museum and a great coffee place to have probably the best waffles in Sweden! (12km from the B&B)

Back to Nature

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden
© Kateisaway

Katie's best weekend in Dalsland

Katie is a writer and a photographer, she's behind the travel blog "Katiesaway", focusing on Sweden.

She stayed for a weekend in Dalsland and is sharing her best tips! 

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Sörknatten, hiking


Sôrknatten is a mythical mountain in Swedish culture. It has inspired a landscape by locally born painter Otto Hesselbom: "Vårt land" (our country). It is now a natural reserve where a path leads you over the cliffs for a magnificent view. It's a great late afternoon walk! (8Km from the B&B).

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, canoeing

paddling in lake Råvarp

With hundreds of lakes and untouched nature, Dalsland has to be discovered form a Canoë. Råvarp is a narrow lake situated at the southern end of the Dalsland's canal making it easy to paddle for beginners. The lake is secluded and has a great feeling of wilderness. Major rock carvings from the bronze age can be found on its shores. (10Km from the B&b) 

Canoë rental available.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Nordic Lagoon

our own little Nordic Lagoon

A hidden gem on the hill just over the B&B. Not easy to find but ask us!  (1,5Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, cycling

cycling till Yttre Bodane

Yttre Bodane is an archipelago on lake Vänern, south of  Åmål. It's great to cycle the small gravel roads through villages and rural communities to this beautiful nature reserve. The route will take you on low trafic roads, by the shore of lakes and through the forest. (23Km from the B&B).

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, wild swimming

swimming in lake Ärr

In Dalsland, you can virtually swim everywhere in clean waters. A few hundreds meters from the B&B, there is a small bathing place where you can just jump into the water. Fresh feeling guaranteed! The beach is suitable and safe from small children.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, hiking

Vandra i Ronjaland: Bläsenrundan

"Ronja the robber's daughter" is a film inspired by Astrid Lindgren's book and was shot in the hills around the B&B. The filmmaker found the landscape fits the atmosphere of the book and he was right. A network of walks was created to discover the shooting place and one of them starts right at our doorstep! The walk will take you to a peak, a lagon, some caves and a fortress. (3.8 Km circle walk)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, hiking
© Dovlind / VästSverige

Baljåsen, the peak of Dalsland!

Over the ancient village of Edsleskog, you will find the highest peak of Dalsland. It's certainly not the Alps but it offers a great point of view over the area till the Lake Vänern. The walks around are great and the cabin at the top of the hill has a secret. Come to know more! (13Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Tresticklans National Park
© Copenhagen Wilderness / VästSverige

Tresticklans National Park

The National Park offers uninterrupted wilderness and stimulating hiking in an area bordering Norway. The Tresticklan area is a forested region without settlement and roads that is unusually large for Götaland. A must visit for nature enthusiasts! (65Km from the B&B)

Some hiking and cycling tours

We have selected some of our favourite cycling and hiking tours starting at the B&B.

You can download the GPX files, ask us for details.


Culture in Nature

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Not Quite
© Kax / VästSverige

Not Quite

Not Quite is an unexpected artistic centre far away from the big cities. Exhibitions, art, craft, concerts, ... will definitely surprise you! (2Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Håverud, Dalsland canal
© Borgelid / VästSverige


Håverud is nearly at the southern end of the Dalsland's canal and offers an interesting view on technical solutions for communications at the time. Now it's one of the main attractions in Dalsland. It offers a good brasserie, nice small shops and a really great vintage furniture shop where we bought our first midcentury sideboard! (23Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Fröskog kyrka

Fröskog's church

 The oldest church in the area and probably one of the best preserved is on the top of the hill, just over the B&B. Fröskog's church is a wooden church from the 18th century, typical of the "peasant baroque" style. It's brilliant!

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Fröbacken

Fröbacken flower boutique and café

By the church, in the garden of the old presbytery, You'll find an unique flower boutique and summer shop. The flowers are locally grown, you can either pick them up yourselves or ask for a bouquet. We are lucky to dispose nice bouquets from Fröbacken in the B&B!

The West Coast is not far

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Koster islands
© Borgelid / VästSverige


The Koster islands are an archipelago at the border with Norway. You reach the main islands (Koster South and North) with a pedestrian ferry from Strömstad. The islands are nearly completely free of cars (Northern Island has no road) and are a real paradise. Great bathing places, nice walks, great food.

(100Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Väder Islands


The Väder islands were an outpost for the pilots helping the sailing boats to get into the harbour of Fjällbacka. The islands are the farthest in the sea in West Sweden and their remoteness is part of their uniqueness. There is now a brasserie where you can have lunch, rent a sauna and jump into the sea. The boat to the island should preferably be booked well in advance. (105Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Fjällbacka
© Borgelid / VästSverige


Fjällbacka is definitely a beautiful harbour facing its archipelago, a nice little town with shops and sea-food restaurants. Hometown of actress Ingrid Bergman,  it's well known nowadays from the novels of Swedish writer Camilla Läckberg. If you fancy confronting the dark side of Swedish criminals with the nearly perfect landscapes and neat sea side villas, Fjällbacka is yours. (105Km from the B&B)

Göteborg, the great city by the sea

Göteborg is sometimes underestimated by visitors. It's a great, dynamic, cultural and cosmopolitan city though. Göteborg is for foodies, for design lovers, for coffee amateurs and sharp fashionistas.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Göteborg
© Svane / VästSverige

Haga district

Haga is one of the oldest districts in Göteborg and its houses have kept their original character. You'll find independent shops and cafés on the pedestrian cobblestone streets of this typical neighbourhood.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Göteborg
© Hearne-Lobster / VästSverige

Majorna district and second hand shops

If you like vintage shops as much as we do... You'll love Majorna neighbourhood.  Some of them have top tier curated furnitures while you'll have to search more in some others. But all of them are really worth a visit and there are always nice cafés nearby ready to welcome you for a fikka. Ask us for tips!

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Göteborg
© Hearne-Lobster / VästSverige

best coffee places

Göteborg has a great culture of coffee enthusiasts.

We are getting serious here. No words , just facts!

  • Da Matteo is the first place where we stop for a coffee.
  • Kafé Magasinet in Järntorget area is a well known venue.
  • Materia will be your resting place or a while after your second hand shops safari in Majorna.
Nordic Refuge, accommodation, West Coast, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Archipelago
© amplifyphoto / VästSverige

the archipelago

From Göteborg, you can easily take a tramway to Saltholmen where you can jump on any boat (public transportation) to one of Göteborg's southern archipelago islands. The rest is up to you!

we will be glad to share our tips!

Travel Proud Booking.com

All pictures: © Struzik François except those mentioned.