Yoga and forest bath

yoga package

Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, cycling, Yoga

What is the yoga pack?

"We meet the forest and our senses by landing in the body during a softening and sometimes heart-pounding Yoga walk & Forest bath in the beautiful forest of Dalsland. We start from Nordic Refuge and enjoy a cozy moment in nature together, with flowing yoga movements and a relaxing forest bath where the body recovers and you are allowed to swim in the sensory impressions from the forest.

Lunch is included outdoors, as the food tastes the best!"


Sofia from Jordnära Hälsa & Inspiration

How does it work?

  • You book a room  and get one of our cosy bedrooms. 
  • You select the "Yoga pack" as an extra in the booking system.
  • Sofia will bring you along for a walk in the forest.
  • You will enjoy Yoga, forest bath and a light vegetarian lunch

What does the package include?

Yoga, walk and a light vegetarian lunch to enjoy in the forest. Activity lasts approximately 2,5 hours.

What is the price?

From 750 SEK, all included.

(based on two people)

How to book?

#backtonature #dalsland #livesimply

Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, yoga
Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, yoga

Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, yoga
Travel Proud

All pictures: © Struzik François except those mentioned.